Eve teasing means teasing the girls is in an unfair and indicant way by unruly people causing mental torture to the girls. Eve teasing in recent days has become a very serious problem for the common people. Most of the time school and college going girls fall a victim to Eve teasing. Three or four teenage boys or even more grown up boys are seen standing at the corner of the road. They wear strange fashionable dress and long hair. Some of them smoke. When they see any young girl or woman passing by, they pass comments towards them. At this the girls or women feel very embarrassed and dishonored. Eve teasers even do not hesitate to tease the mother of a girl. As a result, situation has become very difficult for girls. If anyone protests Eve teasing, the teasers become ferocious and threaten the person who protests. They even threaten the girls to death or physical torture. In this regard, it is very difficult to tolerate the situation. Girls are afraid of going out. They even feel in secured to go to schools and colleges. Government has become quite aware of stopping this misconduct. Government has already empowered mobile courts to stop eve-teasing. Anyone guilty of harassment of stalking of women will face a year in jail or a fine about 70 dollars or both. The mobile court has given authority to give punishment to the eve-teasers at once. Education Ministry has also initiated with the declaration that Eve Teasing Protection Day which is encouraged to protect this social evil.