Flavor of Sunset

 Flavor of Sunset

A sunset scene is really a scene of immense joy and pleasure. The brightness of the sun becomes dim before sinking down the horizon. It looks like a red ball of the fire in the western horizon. Its red rays fall on the green field, houses, buildings, trees and rivers. They all become red with the rays of the setting sun. Its rays reflect on the waves of rivers and glitters on them. The sunset scene on a river is very beautiful which gives pleasure to mind and eyes. At that time cow-boys drive their cattle home, sing and play on their flute. Birds return to their nests chirping. Workers rush in the river Ghats and swim. When night comes, darkness begins to come over the word.


  Common Fatalistic Beliefs among Bangladesh People

There are many people in Bangladesh who are conservative. Quite early in the life they learn to believe that everything in this world was predetermined all that happens to them was ordained by God. From this poor generally accept their poverty and all their sorrow and sufferings without trying much to overcome them. They also hold a firm belief that those who undergo suffering in this material world will be amply rewarded in the next world. They believe that God himself decides how much on little a person should passes. There are, there is no point in trying to overcome poverty. They also have the same sort of attitude towards illness and disease.