Education is a light to which everybody has the equal right. Allah has created both man and woman equally and has not traced any distinct distinction between them. He has given them with equal faculties. So there should be no difference of opinion regarding imparting education to women. So education should be universal. A good mother can produce a good citizen. In order to have good citizens, female education is a must. Women are now a days as important as men in society. They construct nearly fall of our total population. So there can be no denying the fact that they too process equal rights and duties as men do. They have noble missions to fulfill as men. If they get opportunity, their genius, powers and capacities will blossom fully. No nation can make real progress keeping a full half of its population in the dark. Without the uptake of women, the progress of the nation is not at all possible. Again without education women con not be towering. So an all-out education should be imparted to the women folk so that they may come and work hand in hand with men in all development programmers. All necessary steps should be taken to encourage universal female education. It is happy news for us that our government has recently declared free and compulsory education for rural girl’s up to S.S.C. A country cannot prosper if its women are kept ignorant. We need good wives and good mothers to make our nation great. Without a good system of female education, this will not be possible.